Kratom tea is a popular beverage from the native parts of Southeast Asia. The leaves used for making tea belong to the Kratom tree and are known for their various benefits, like relieving fatigue, increasing energy, and fighting diarrhea. Lately, this herbal tea has created some buzz among the people in the West, too, due to its numerous medicinal properties. People consume this tea for both recreational and therapeutic reasons.
This article will learn about five proven facts on Kratom’s benefits and how safe it is to consume. Certain studies show that drinking kratom tea in small doses is safe and beneficial. Let’s have a look at five proven facts that show Kratom tea is safe.
Can relieve pain
Chronic pain is the most common health ailment that many people complain about. The most typical chronic pains are lower back pain, arthritis pain, neurogenic pain, or cancer pain. These kinds of pains can affect a person’s day-to-day activities, work, and travel.
Kratom leaves can be beneficial for treating pain. As per a 2017 survey, Kratom can help alleviate all kinds of pain. They come in three different variants, i.e., white vein, green vein, and red vein. Kratom has two essential compounds, called mitragynine and 7-α-hydroxy mitragynine, that attach to the opioid receptors in the brain, producing a sedative effect. It gives pleasure to users with chronic conditions like arthritis, nerve pain, back pain, and headache. People in Southeast Asia still use Kratom for its pain-relieving beylikdüzü escort properties.
Brewing a hot cup of Kratom tea can act as a stimulant and help relieve pain.
May boost energy
Kratom leaves have high metabolic effects, which help boost your energy levels. The intake of kratom leaves positively affects the metabolic processes by increasing the body’s strength to generate energy.
Additionally, Kratom leaves also help in increasing blood circulation. With growing blood circulation in the body, more oxygen reaches all the vital body cells, leading to higher metabolism. This way, Kratom increases metabolization to produce energy. Therefore, people with chronic fatigue syndrome can take Kratom as a natural remedy for boosting their energy levels. In addition to increasing your energy levels, Kratom can also help improve concentration at work. As Kratom increases your metabolic rate, your body’s stress level reduces, and your capacity to focus improves.
You can generally consume kratom tea to keep yourself fit and energized in today’s fast-paced life. After a hardcore workout, a warm cup of kratom tea can help reduce the recovery time post workouts. You can try Kratom by searching the internet for the best kratom powder for sale near me. These search results should give you the list of best-licensed dispensaries offering high-quality kratom products.
Aids in Opioid withdrawal
When you consume any pain medication or drug for an extended period, your body becomes used to those drugs, and you become dependent on them. If you get dependent on the drugs, stopping the intake of these drugs may cause some unpleasant symptoms like sweating, cravings, and trembling. This process is known as withdrawal. This is where Kratom can play an important role.
This herbal extract, when taken in small doses, can help treat opioid withdrawal. In Southeast Asia, people have used Kratom to treat withdrawal symptoms. Studies show that the intake of this herbal tea has many mood-enhancing effects on the brain, making you feel euphoria. Thus, Kratom eases the opioid withdrawal symptoms as compared to other drugs prescribed for withdrawal.
Another study on rodents suggests that Kratom enhanced opioid tolerance in mice.
Can Boost Immune System
Kratom leaf has antimicrobial properties that protect our body from germs and viruses. They are rich in antioxidants which fight free radicals to protect the cells and tissues. Research suggests that drinking kratom tea can reduce inflammation and improve immunity. The alkaloids in kratom leaves possess therapeutic and healing powers. To keep your immune system in top shape, you can take microdoses of Kratom daily. Taking Kratom tea in higher doses can help fight diarrhea and cough.
So, next time when you have a slight cold and cough, indulge in a warm cup of kratom tea and let the herb do its magic.
May fight depression
Anxiety and depression are common mental health issues seen in both youngsters and elders. Most people use Kratom to self-medicate the signs of depression. Even though Kratom is not an opioid, its consequences are comparable to those of morphine or codeine.
The main compound, mitragynine in kratom, binds with the neurons in the brain to produce antidepressant and anti-anxiety effects in the body. As per a 2017 study, the researchers found an improvement in depression and anxiety levels. Drinking Kratom tea can instantly boost your mood and ease anxiety.
In another animal study, the researchers found that Kratom lowered the corticosterone levels in mice. Higher levels of corticosterone are positively correlated with depression severity.
Things to keep in mind:
Amount and Dosage
Even though the above points suggest that it is safe to consume kratom tea for the benefits mentioned above, there are certain things to keep in mind before trying kratom tea for the first time. Factors like your age and any health ailments make a whole lot of difference.
The dosage you consume, i.e., 1-5 grams(low dose) and 5-15 grams(moderate amount), also changes the kratom effects on the body. This is why you should consult your pharmacist before consuming any dosage of Kratom in your diet.
So, to conclude, Kratom does boast some health benefits. Apart from the health benefits like boosting energy, helping with opioid withdrawal, and fighting depression, Kratom also reduces obesity and diabetes. It curbs your appetite and reduces your craving for sugary items and other potential triggers. There are different ways of consuming Kratom. You can either take it in powdered form, take it as a supplement, or use its dried leaves to make a hot beverage. You can also use kratom powder to make delicious smoothies and refreshments.
Even though Kratom is safe to consume to provide these therapeutic benefits, the results will only be effective if you lead a healthy lifestyle. Lastly, the quality of the Kratom also affects the results you experience. Therefore, it is essential to purchasing Kratom from an authorized dealer.