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What is trusted telecom approval?

The government of India introduced the National Security Directive on Telecommunication Sector or NSDTS to watch over the quality and source of telecom resources that TSPs use to provide their services. As per NSDTS, TSPs can only use products with trusted telecom approval to facilitate telecommunication services. 

The Internet has gained a lot of ubiquity in India. With over 1/3rd of India’s population enjoying the perks of the world wide web.

More and more telecom companies are cropping up, with each one desiring to provide better services than the previous one.

However, the quality of infrastructure these companies use is deteriorating.

Keeping that in mind, the government of India came up with NSDTS, orNational Security Directive on Telecommunication Sector.

According to it, telecom companies can now only provide their services if they have brought their equipment from trusted resources.

Simply put, the sources from which they have purchased their products must have the Trusted telecom approval.

  • What is Trusted Telecom Approval?
  • How is the government planning to enforce it?
  • Have you brought the product from a trusted source?
  • Are there any exemptions to the rule?

Continue reading to find the answers to these burning questions.

What is a Trusted Telecom approval?

On 15th June of the year 2021, the trusted telecom portal had its inception. The government of India launched trustedtelecom.gov to follow through with its directives mentioned in NSDTS.

Accordingly, telecom companies can now only provide their services if they have bought their telecom equipment from trusted sources.

In simple terms, telecom companies can only do their business if they have purchased their pieces of telecom equipment from sources that have the government’s Trusted Telecom Approval

How is the government enforcing this rule?

The creation of the portal is the very first step the government has taken to enforce this rule. This website, known as the trustedtelecom.gov, hosts a list containing the names of the vendors that have the trusted telecom approval.

Any aspiring telecom service provider who has obtained the relevant license to initiate its business must first check whether the government approves its telecom product’s vendor.

To do so, the TSP must go to the Trusted Telecom portal, access the list, and check whether the vendor details are on the list. If they are there, the TSP can go on ahead and make the purchase and start providing its services.

Have you brought the product from a trusted source?

Such a sudden move from the government of India has made many heads spin. Aspiring TSPs who have just obtained their business registration days ago are now facing a dilemma.

Start their venture or find out the trustworthiness of their vendor. Fortunately, the news of good on that front.

If you’re wondering whether or not the telecommunication equipment you have bought is from a trusted source, you don’t have any reason to worry.

It doesn’t matter because if your vendor’s name isn’t on the list, you can enter it by following some simple steps.

Procedure to enter the name of the new vendor to the Trusted Telecom list:

  1. Go to the trusted telecom portal
  2. Register yourself as a TSP and obtain the login credentials
  3. Login and access the existing list of trusted telecom equipment providers
  4. Here, you’d have the option to add the name of your vendor to the list.
  5. Add the name and other details of the vendor
  6. The National Cyber Security Coordinator (NCSC) – the designated authority that assesses the trustworthiness vendor – start analyzing the vendor based on the details you’ve provided.
  7. The vendor will then receive a notification from the NCSC to obtain the trusted telecom approval.
  8. If he does so and his application is accepted, the portal will add his name to the list.

Are there any exemptions to the rule?

All this talk of trusted telecom has left one matter in the dark – what about TSPs who are currently doing their business.

Should they stop their services – leaving millions of citizens without an internet connection? Or, are they exempted from following provisions of the Directive for the time being?

Current telecom service providers need not worry. It’s their vendor’s details that the government of India has given the trusted telecom approval and added to the list.

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So, the current telecom service providers can go on ahead and provide their services without the fear of being their business licenses revoked.


Trusted telecom approval is another hurdle that you need to cross as an inspiring Telecom Service Provider. It might seem like an additional regulatory burden for now, but in the long run, it would legitimize your business in front of the government’s eyes and let it stay afloat.

If you’re looking to know more about trusted approval in telecom, stay updated with the latest news about it with the aid of the trusted telecom license service provider in India.  

What is Trusted Approval in Telecom?As per the NSDTS, telecom service providers must only use telecom products from vendors that the government trusts. Know about it in more detail through this blog.

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