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How to cure Indigestion: 8 Effective Home Remedies

Indigestion is the sensation of pain in the upper abdomen caused by incomplete digestion. Indigestion occurs when your food does not digest properly in your stomach and small intestine. It causes pain or discomfort in the upper abdomen around the belly button.

The most common cause of indigestion is overeating, which leads to heartburn and other symptoms. It can also be caused by drinking excessive amounts of alcohol or taking certain medications. Indigestion can happen to anyone at any time. There are several natural home remedies you can use to cure indigestion without getting side effects from over-the-counter drugs.

How to Cure Indigestion at Home

If you are suffering from indigestion then you may have found that getting relief is not as easy as popping an antacid tablet or two. The truth is that you can find natural remedies for indigestion in your home without needing to visit the doctor’s office at all. Try out these nine methods to cure indigestion naturally, and you will be good as new in no time.

Get enough rest

A good night’s sleep really can cure what ails you. It helps your body rest and digest your food, repair tissues, and keep your immune system healthy. If you are suffering from digestive problems then inadequate sleep could be a factor.

The National Sleep Foundation recommends getting seven or eight hours of sleep every night. In fact, research has shown that adequate sleep can help reduce levels of cortisol.

Low cortisol levels can reduce inflammation in your gastrointestinal tract and helps soothe indigestion or constipation.

So try to get enough rest on a regular basis and take steps to relieve stress as often as possible.

Eat slowly

People with digestive issues often deal with a lot of bloating, gas, and other discomforts. These symptoms are worsened by eating too quickly.

If you are eating at a restaurant then take your time when eating your meal. If you are making dinner at home, try not to eat while standing or watching TV. 

Even small changes can have a big impact over time. For example, if you slow down and eat mindfully for just 2 weeks straight, it will be easier to maintain those habits in the long term. A few minutes here and there may seem insignificant now, but they add up over time. 

Follow these tips:

  • Try setting a timer for 20 minutes before you dig in and put your fork down between bites.
  • If you’re still hungry, go ahead and have another serving or two after 20 minutes.

It might take a little practice at first to get used to eating slowly, but it is an excellent way to avoid overeating.

Don’t skip meals

Skipping meals can cause you to feel tired and lethargic. This can also cause you to overeat later on. Eat small meals more frequently throughout your day to avoid indigestion. 

Eating frequent and smaller meals can help stabilize blood sugar levels which can reduce digestive distress. You should also keep an eye on how much you are eating in one sitting because if it exceeds your capacity for digestion then indigestion may occur as a result.

Remember: Do not consume large quantities of meat all at once. Instead of that just break up your meal into smaller ones that are spaced out over time.

Chew gum

Once you have swallowed your food, it ends up in your stomach where it is broken down. If you are suffering from indigestion, there are a few things you can do at home that may help treat your symptoms. One of these is chewing gum. It stimulates digestion by increasing saliva production and gastric juices.

Saliva works with enzymes to break down food into digestible chunks. On the other hand, gastric juices help break down large proteins into small molecules that can be absorbed into blood vessels lining your intestines.

If you have trouble keeping food down or struggling with eating too quickly then try some gums.

Sip water between meals

We often forget about sipping water between meals which is effective for curing indigestion. Sipping between meals can help decrease bloating and gas. You will also feel more satisfied with smaller portions of food at each meal because your stomach will be less bloated.

Be sure to drink two glasses of water 30 minutes before eating. When you do sit down for a meal, be sure to finish all your water before diving into your food. It can help prevent overeating by making you feel fuller faster.

Drink water after meals

Drinking water after eating can help with digestive issues. Water helps food move through your intestines, flushing out toxins.

Drinking at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day will also help keep your body hydrated. It prevents bloating or constipation caused by dehydration. Add slices of cucumber or fresh mint to make plain water more flavorful.

Avoid Coffee and Alcoholic Drinks

This seems like common sense, but many people continue drinking coffee when they have indigestion. Caffeine increases acid production and irritation in your stomach which can exacerbate heartburn and other digestive symptoms. 

The same goes for alcohol. All types of alcohol affect digestion, whether you are drinking beer, wine or hard liquor.

The best thing you can do is switch from these drinks to a soothing cup of chamomile tea. You can also use herbal digestive aid such as peppermint oil capsules or liquorice root powder.

Choose Fibre-Rich Foods

Adding more fibre-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains and beans is a great way to cure indigestion. They are rich in fibre and bulk up your meal without increasing calories.

Fibre is essential for a healthy digestive system as it helps move food through your colon at a proper pace.

If you suffer from an ongoing digestive disorder like indigestion or heartburn be sure to include lots of fibre-rich foods in your diet. It may help soothe your stomach and ease discomfort.

When to take over-the-counter medications

If you have bad indigestion and you cannot bear it then use digestive enzymes like Aristozyme for instant relief. Read more about Aristozyme Syrup uses. Try taking it before meals if your symptoms include heartburn, gas or bloating after eating certain foods.

If your symptoms persist for more than a week then consult a doctor to rule out other problems.

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