Drivers face their fair share of inconveniences while on the road. But the one that tops the list for being the most bothersome is a tyre puncture. With spare wheels slowly becoming a thing of the past, you might have to take matters into your hands to get the tyre fixed.
It is significant to note that any method you utilise to fix your Bridgestone tyres Nottingham is a temporary solution. Get expert help at a garage (once you can drive to one with your patched up tyre) and get it done professionally. Now with all that being said, let us get started!
Locating the puncture using various methods:
Before you begin fixing a puncture, you have to find it first. If the piercing nail or chip is still inside the tread, there should not be an issue. Otherwise, it might be a hassle and following the steps below can help.
Re-inflate the tyre:
When there is a puncture, a lot of air is lost. Thus, the first step is to fill the air back inside using a compressor. Then, inflate it until the pressure reaches the value (in PSI) recommended by your vehicle manufacturer.
Examine your tyre:
Once the tyre pressure is back up, take a close look at the tread. If the cut or hole is relatively large, you may be able to find it.
Listen to your tyre:
It might seem a bit strange but paying close attention to the sounds your vehicle makes tells a lot about it. Similar is the case for tyres. For example, if you hear a hissing noise, it is a clear indicator of air leakage.
Feel out your tyre:
Running your hands over the punctured to feel for air can also help you detect the leak location.
Use soapy water:
If all the above methods fail, you can resort to mixing some soap with water and covering your tyre with it.
Repairing the puncture using a sealant:
Once you have located the puncture site, pull out any sharp object that might be piercing it. Now rotate the wheel so that the valve is no longer at the bottom. Unfasten its cap and insert the nozzle of the sealant bottle into it. Once you push the required amount of fluid inside, drive your vehicle back and forth. That will help in turning your tyres around, distributing the liquid inside uniformly. While using this technique will help you out in case of emergencies, it is not sustainable. You can run your car or SUV on such tyres for a maximum of three days. Thus, replace your tyres soon after you are back on the road.
Repairing the puncture using a tyre plug set:
Many automobile manufacturers have stopped including a spare buckled wheel repair to reduce the vehicle load. Instead, they put in a tool kit that helps you repair your punctured tyres. Here is how you can use it. First, slacken or crack the lug nuts with a wrench. Then jack the vehicle up and pull off the lug nuts completely. Next, take the wheel off of the chassis and look for the leaking spot.
Once you find it, use a rasp tool to clean it up. Push in the plug through the hole with the help of an insertion tool. Make sure around half an inch of this plug remains outside the tyre. Snip off the extra material before filling your tyre with air. Maintain the inflation pressure in the appropriate range before installing the wheel back in. Finally, bring your car down and re-tighten the lugs. While this method is more long-lasting than the sealant one, it is also not a permanent fix. Travelling more than 20,000 miles can cause damage to your vehicle.
Punctures tend to occur at the most inopportune of times. Unfortunately, no matter how careful you are while driving, these are inevitable. Thus, learning how you can fix a leak in your Tyres Nottingham becomes necessary. The above guide can help you get out of risky situations before finding a repair centre or calling up a mobile tyre fitter.