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Add The Glossy Touch To Your Kitchen Cabinets

It has been rightly said that “Life happens in the kitchen”. Right from cooking food to nourishing your body, your kitchen knows it all. It is the heart of your home and the hub of your fondest memories. What you eat is what you are, and what you eat comes from your kitchen. So, whether it is for baking cakes for birthdays and anniversaries or chatting over a cup of hot tea, your kitchen always welcomes you.


Kitchen- the best place in the house

A kitchen that looks great, feels great. Do you remember learning the first dish in your kitchen? Undoubtedly, it is the most used corner of your home where many warm memories are made. In the kitchen only, we gather with our most loved people and chat over the dinner table. Being the best place in the house, your kitchen gives a lot to you. So, let us now give something back to the kitchen by upgrading its design and layout. Let it feel good too!


But, how to choose the best cabinets designs for your kitchen? Aesthetic designs work best for kitchens, especially because it gives you a good vibe. It can truly feel satisfying to cook at a place where the cabinets resonate with your mood and expression.


Choosing the best designs for your kitchen

It is necessary to choose suitable designs for your kitchen wisely. Your kitchen must reflect the ingredients of your style. The interior should not look bleak but glossy. A glossy touch to your kitchen can enhance its look and give you a good vibe. While decorating the kitchen surface, ensure that the overall design of the interior complements your house’s style. High gloss laminates that shine bright works best for the kitchen cabinets.


Choosing the perfect design for your kitchen cabinets can be a difficult task. This blog will help you know why adding a glossy touch to your kitchen can be one of the best options. Do you know why? Well, let us see!


  1. Shine Bright: Lucida laminates from CenturyLaminates are among the best options that provide a wide range of glossy laminates for your kitchen. These laminates are as shiny as a mirror. With their shine bright like a diamond, Lucida laminates add a glossy touch and enhance the beauty of your kitchen.


2. Amazing shades: Glossy laminates never come in limited shades. Ranging from texture, woodgrains, marble      finish, stone finish to bold solids, glossy laminates can come in varying shades. They give a trendy and classy       touch to your kitchen cabinets with the amazing shades they come with.


3. Scuff-resistant: Durability is also the most important factor to consider while choosing the best laminate for your kitchen cabinets. Lucida laminates come with high scuff resistance that lasts longer with eternal shine. Thus, these laminates come with low maintenance and high functional quality. Made with high-pressure conditions, these glossy laminates can also resist scratches and abrasion.


4. Anti-viral surface: These laminates reflect a spectacular laminate surface that can easily uplift your vibe and mood. They are anti-microbial and anti-viral, thus can efficiently kill upto 99.99% of viruses. These sheets are made from ViroKill technology that helps keep the surface of the kitchen hygienic and infection-free.


The kitchen, being the heart of your home, needs to be decorated with the best designs. You can add contemporary glossy laminate designs to enhance your kitchen’s cabinets and interior. Your kitchen deserves to look beautiful and scuff-free. For making it so, you can check out and buy the best laminates in India with plenty of Design options from CenturyLaminates at affordable prices.

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