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Can Artificial Grass Be Laid On Dirt In Dubai

The fast response is “Yes” artificial grass is an excellent substitute for a naturally verdant lawn, especially regarding water conservation and increasing the property’s value. But to successfully install fake grass on dirt, some upfront labor and an understanding of the complete lawn installation procedure are required.

How to Install Synthetic Grass on Soil

The process of laying artificial grass on dirt isn’t incredibly complex. However, it has some essential steps to be followed.

Step 1: Remove the Topsoil

Trim the grass, sod, and other undesired vegetation from the designated areas using a sod cutter, a hoe, or a shovel, being careful to get rid of any big stones or roots. The standard sod cutter thickness will probably need to be set at a minimum of 3 inches. Still, in colder parts of the country, you could have to dig out at least 4 inches since you need more foundation material to deal with soil expansion and contraction during cold weather. Find out which is best for your location by speaking with Your Turf Factory Direct expert.

Step 2: Grade the Surface

You will require grading your turf after removing the topsoil and grading the application areas with a rake or a shovel. After that, softly mist them with the garden hose. Use a big drum roller or plate compactor to smooth off debris if you attempt to be thorough. Otherwise, you may keep crossing it repeatedly. Repeat your walks across the project area until you are satisfied with your level of compaction. 80 to 90% compaction is advised.

Step 3: Base Application

Approximately 100 square feet of artificial turf are covered with tons of rock basis and two “bases. Upgrade it to 2 tons of rocks for the base of 4 people “base. Make sure you pace yourself with the bow rake or any comparable tool to ensure that you don’t damage yourself. Distribute it evenly.

What is the best base for artificial grass?

The best foundation for any artificial turf installation will be 1/4″ to 1/4″ crushed drain rock. You can find them in your yard or the gravel dump nearby. Pea gravel shouldn’t be used since it won’t compress as effectively. Class 2 aggregates, crushed granite, and fine stone from crushers are all useful. The foundation material’s primary function is to provide drainage and an even surface. The foundation material can help with up to 30 inches of drainage each hour.

Pet owners and homeowners have discovered that using 3/8″ rocks to drain dog pee more quickly and effectively to eliminate smells.

Base Depth

Depending on the project and the environment, the base heights may vary. Although a base of 4″ is often advised, it may only be as low as 2″ in arid areas. Warmer areas may require a more robust command of around 4″ to help with the ground’s expansion and contraction caused by cold temperatures.

Level & Compact the Base

To make the base hard and smooth when walking around it, you’ll need to minimize its size as much as possible using a sod roller or plate compactor. This makes the process simpler and can help keep it in place.

The foundation material has to be wetted with a hose before being compacted using a manual tamp, vibratory plate compactor, or electric roller compactor. Multiple trips through the region could be necessary. It is complete when the foundation has sunk to a depth of about 0.3 inches.

Do I need underlay for artificial grass?

The turf need not have an extra underlay installed. But many individuals use and advise particular grass underlays to accommodate various purposes:

  • Playing fields or grass may have padding placed down on the concrete to provide additional foot cushioning;
  • Drainage underlay on grass-covered roofs, concrete patios, or lawns with limited drainage or flooding issues, as well as on indoor athletic or pet facilities
  • Weed barriers for lawns and landscaping that are prone to weed growth. In most cases, artificial turf and the installation procedure are sufficient to stop weed development. But occasionally, one or two slink in, making it difficult to eradicate the weeds once they have taken root. Installing a geotextile fence on the exterior can help prevent the growth of weeds in your yard, which you might be worried about. You may position the weed barrier close to the base. You might also install rodent wire if the area is susceptible to rat or mouse invasion.

Artificial turf shouldn’t be put down immediately on top of grass or even bare ground. To keep the synthetic grass lying flat and even, enable drainage, and avoid damage and ripping, the base must be set in place.

Step 4: Prepare the Turf

Install the artificial turf next to the area while you wait for the base to dry completely. If the foundation material is still not smooth after drying, be careful to compact it once more. If the foundation material is too thin, you can add another layer. You guarantee that the grass is flat when it is laid, be sure to lay out the turf ahead of time and level out any sloping sections.

Step 5: Place the Turf

Take measurements for the area that will eventually be covered with it and the turf strips. You can lengthen each strip of turf with the aid of a second person. Place it on the foundation after raising it. Lift and move your grass panels carefully. Do not pull the grass on the base, as this may unevenly affect the surface.

Step 6: Cut the Turf

With a knife, cut turf panels on the turf’s underside. You may make the shorter cuts throughout the length if you need more extended amounts. Make sure to cut between the glass blades as you remove them, but avoid cutting through the fibers. The cuts should be left with two panels that are as near to touching as feasible. After that, you may trim the turf’s edges to fit your boundaries.

Step 7: Attach the Turf

Adjacent panel edges should be bent inward before applying fake grass seaming material to the foundation. Apply adhesive to the seaming components before repositioning the lawn edges. Keep your grass from overhanging or leaving gaps; otherwise, the seams will show. Make use of a giant roller or weights along the seam’s edge. Adhesives will dry a variety of times.

There are several methods for attaching grass panels; be sure to ask Turf Factory Direct which one is best for your turf.

Fasten the Turf Perimeter

With grass staples, landscaping anchor pins, or galvanized stakes around six inches apart, fasten the turf to the edges. A hammer can be used to crush them.

Step 8: Brush the Turf Fibers

The grass may be brushed or combed with the proper instrument, such as a push broom, rake’s backside, or carpet comb. In the following phase, the grass can also be cleaned with a power brush between each filler material application.

Step 9: Spread the Infill

While allowing the bristles to stay straight, infill helps to weigh the grass down. It further offers surface cushioning. Black crumb rubber and pure silica are often used materials.

Applying the infill one layer at a time with either drop spreaders or an ad hoc spreader, it is crucial to spread it uniformly across the whole surface. Take your time and pay attention to the area you are covering. You must maintain a consistent pace while walking and adjust it in response to how quickly the infill spills out of the spreader. The infill can be distributed by hand. A spreader can’t reach these zones because they are too small or impossible to get, such as the corners of walls.

Till you’ve reached the appropriate level of infill or are entirely out of the infill, continue the brushing or combing, then repeat the two processes. Watering the grass after installation might aid the infill’s ability to settle.

Use a leaf blower to remove any uneven sections of infill that the broom or comb haven’t been able to remove by standing about three inches away from the area. Using the blower, it is feasible to level other regions, especially the corners and walls. When you are confident that you have entirely brushed and infilled the project areas, water them all off.

What is the best time of year to lay turf?

Artificial turf should be installed when dry and warm weather, usually in the spring and summer.

In addition to a dry atmosphere for its glue to cure, turf also needs a higher temperature so that it may be placed level during installation. Like other substances that respond to temperature fluctuations, turf expands and contracts. Turf is more likely to shrink and wrinkle as it warms up and expands if installed while it is cold and the grass is compact. This makes the turf less desirable and more prone to damage.

Since turf cannot be planted while it’s humid and wet, many parts of the world have no choice but to wait till summer. For some folks, this can be the start of a wet spring.

The optimal time to install artificial grass is when the temperature is at or above 60°F for the most outstanding results.

How long will artificial grass last?

Although the typical grass lifespan is 10 to 15 years, well-maintained artificial turf may last up to 20 years.

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