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Can Too Much Stress Cause Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids can be hard to deal with, but keep in mind that you are not alone, About 50% of adults have had hemorrhoid experience by the age of 50. It is said that most people do not discuss hemorrhoids because they are either embarrassed or they just want to “live through” the pain and itching without consulting a doctor. Hemorrhoids are also known as Piles which can bring about extreme discomfort, pain and difficulty in sitting for long periods of time due to the swelling that is associated with it. Piles are either internal or external. Internal piles develop near the opening of the anus or within the rectum while external piles develop outside the anus. 

Hemorrhoids are caused by swelling that results inside the rectal veins and are formed in the anus area that is connected to the colon which assists in digestion of the food. Internal Hemorrhoids can be extremely uncomfortable and bleed, but it won’t cause any severe pain because the pain typically comes with the bleeding itself.

There are veins found below the skin around the anus which serves as the canal from where the stools come out. External hemorrhoids are a common cause of bleeding and pain in the rectal area. It is often the result of straining when defecating, or have been caused due to chronic constipation. While external hemorrhoids are not harmful, it can be painful enough to make an individual feel uncomfortable and limit movement.

How Can Stress Cause Hemorrhoids?

When people’s lives are in high-stress, they take a toll. But that also goes for hemorrhoids. Stress has been known to aggravate existing cases of hemorrhoids by heightening psychological stress levels and pressure associated with a person’s lifestyle. 

While you have all been put through the ringer at several points in your life, Whether it’s family problems, the economy or financial difficulties, stress may have consequences relating to poor dietary choices. What’s terrible – chronic constipation also causes this kind of pressure over time. Not surprisingly, ineffective bowel movements are directly tied with stress and hemorrhoids since it is leading towards frequent diarrhea or constipation. Effective digestion and excretion require coordination between the mind and body under relaxed conditions where there is no chaos in one’s life.

What to Do?

There are some people who live stressful lives more than others. People with very demanding careers might find it hard to keep normal hours and tend to operate on little sleep and even less alone time in the form of breaks or vacations. Thankfully, there are ways that you can help manage your level of stress. The more you are able to practice stress-beating techniques when you feel them coming on, the better off you’ll be, so don’t pass up any ideas right away.

Have Enough Sleep

Sleep is a luxury for many. It is also one of the most important things you need to do for yourself. Stress often gives sleep the boot because people have too much work to do and not enough time. Yet that little thing called sleep is crucial to productivity, creativity, health and well-being.

The golden rule when it comes down to getting quality sleep every night is making sure that you are doing these 3 steps:

    1. Make an attempt to regroup yourself at least once a day.
    2. Work on another activity, that does not involve work or computers, during your downtime. Doing something simple as reading or going on long walks can make a difference in terms of energy levels and moods.
    3. Switch off your gadgets and electronics at least 30 minutes before falling asleep – this includes TV.

Stay Connected 

When you are feeling overwhelmed, it is easy to withdraw from friends and relatives. But reaching out to a loved one is actually a good way to relieve stress. Because it can distract you from troubles, make you feel supported and encouraged when you are down. Staying connected gives you an outlet for your pent-up emotions. It can even help you get in touch with your spiritual side. Which then makes you feel good by doing good. There is nothing wrong with having support for getting through the tough times. Or even simply celebrating the good ones as well. So take a coffee break with an old friend from high school, email a family member whom you haven’t spoken to in years, volunteer for that school charity event you were too busy to get involved in the year before or go to the movies tonight with a newly made acquaintance.

Try Journaling

You may be feeling down or frustrated, but writing can help get those feelings out. Do not hold back and try to think of what you want to write about. Just write whatever comes to mind. No one needs to read it, so do not worry about the grammar being perfect. Just typing every letter on the keyboard is fine. Just let everything flow out of you on the page. Once you have gotten all of the thoughts out, you might have a clearer picture of how things are or where they will be in the future. Then, you can decide if it is worth keeping everything for yourself.

Start a Hobby

In order to reduce stress, many people turn to hobbies. These hobbies include painting, music and sketching. But more often than not, the key is focusing on what is in front of you, instead of what you plan to accomplish. Playing music is one of the best ways to reduce stress and give yourself some much needed relaxation. Music has been proven to distract the mind, reduce muscle tension and decrease cortisol levels in the body; which is a hormone produced by our bodies under times of stress. 

Seek Professional Help

If you find yourself constantly finding ways to cope up with stress and have been unable to find relief for it despite self-care practices, therapy may be a way to alleviate everyday stresses. Reaching out for professional help will provide valuable insight on how you can look at your situation in different ways. This can be very helpful especially when the stress is derived from something within one’s personal jurisdiction. These include pushing mental barriers or breaking through creative plateaus.

Key Takeaway

Stress can cause a plethora of issues. If you are suffering from hemorrhoids and want to get rid of stress, you can always look for ways to reduce the amount of stress in your life.

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