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Food Items You Should Refrain from Giving to Your Dog

The experts at the Animal Poison Control Center have compiled a helpful list of the most dangerous human foods to stay away from while feeding your dog. Please note the amount ingested and notify your veterinarian if you suspect your pet has eaten any of the following foods mentioned in this article.

Human Food Harmful For Dogs

Here comes the list of human food items that your dogs should avoid:


Birds, donkeys, rabbits, ruminants, horses, goats, and sheep are the main victims of avocados. In birds and rabbits, the most serious worry is cardiovascular damage and mortality. Swollen and edematous head and neck are common in donkeys, horses, and ruminants. Therefore, dogs are also affected by avocado.


Vomiting, impaired coordination, diarrhea, tremors, central nervous system depression, difficulty breathing, coma, abnormal blood acidity, and even death can be caused by alcoholic beverages and food products containing alcohol. Alcohol should not be offered to your pet under any circumstances.


Citrus plants’ leaves, stems, fruit, peels, and seeds contain different amounts of citric acid, which can induce discomfort and possibly even central nervous system depression if consumed in large quantities. Small dosages, such as eating the fruit, are unlikely to cause much more than slight gastrointestinal discomfort. Know to learn more about this product and what to feed your dog in winter in detail, do check out our in-depth interview with a renowned canine nutritionist in India.

Coffee and Chocolates

Methylxanthines are present in cacao seeds, coffee berries, and the nuts of an extract used in various sodas. Methylxanthines can induce vomiting, diarrhea, excessive thirst, and urine in pets, as well as hyperactivity, irregular cardiac rhythm, tremors, seizures, and even death.

It’s important to remember that darker chocolate is riskier than milk chocolate. Methylxanthines are found in the least amount in white chocolate and the most in baking chocolate.

Coconut oil and coconut

Coconut and coconut-based goods are unlikely to harm your pet in large amounts when consumed in little amounts. Fresh coconut flesh and milk contain oils that might cause stomach distress, loose stools, and diarrhea in some people. As a result, we recommend that you proceed with caution while giving these foods to your dog. Coconut water contains a lot of potassium and should not be given to pets.

Macadamia Nuts

Dogs may experience weakness, sadness, vomiting, tremors, and heat as a result of eating macadamia nuts. Symptoms usually occur 12 hours after intake and linger for about 24 to 48 hours.


Oils and fats are abundant in nuts such as almonds, pecans, and walnuts. In pets, the fats can induce vomiting, diarrhea, and pancreatitis.

Milk and dairy products

Milk and other dairy-based items induce diarrhea or another digestive discomfort in pets because they lack considerable levels of lactase.

Garlic, Chives, and Onion

These herbs and vegetables can irritate the stomach and induce red blood cell destruction, which can lead to anemia. Although cats are more sensitive, dogs are also at risk if a large enough amount is taken. 

Salty snacks

Salt in excess can cause increased thirst and urine in pets, as well as sodium-ion toxicity. Vomiting, diarrhea, depression, tremors, high body temperature, convulsions, and even death indicate that your pet has consumed too much salt. As a result, we recommend that you don’t give your pets salty treats like potato chips, pretzels, or salted popcorn.

Raw Meat, Bones, and Eggs

Bacteria such as Salmonella and E. coli can be found in raw meat and raw eggs, which can be harmful to both pets and humans. Raw eggs include an enzyme called avidin, which reduces biotin (a B vitamin) absorption, which can cause skin and coat issues. Raw bones may appear to be a natural and healthy option for your pet if he or she lives in the wild. A domestic pet, on the other hand, could choke on bones or suffer a serious injury if the bone splinters and becomes caught in or punctures your pet’s digestive tract.

The dough of Soft Yeast

Yeast bread can rise in your pet’s digestive system, causing gas to build up. This can be uncomfortable and cause the stomach to swell and possibly twist, potentially resulting in a life-threatening emergency. As a by-product of the yeast, ethanol is produced, and a dog swallowing uncooked bread dough can become inebriated.


Gum, candies, baked goods, and toothpaste all include xylitol as a sweetener. In most species, it can trigger insulin release, resulting in liver failure. Hypoglycemia is caused by a rise in insulin (lowered sugar levels). Vomiting, tiredness, and loss of coordination are the first indications of toxicosis. Seizures may result as a result of the symptoms. Within a few days, you’ll notice elevated liver enzymes and liver failure.

Therefore, your pet is also one of the important members of your family, so you must take care of all such things beforehand. Remember that along with the right and best pet food. You must also opt for electric dog fence installation to ensure your dog’s safety from strangers and from the intake of any suspicious things. You can install it in the backyard or garden area and train accordingly. Please feel free to share your own experience of serving the best food to your dog.

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