Guru Purnima It is very popular Hindu festival This day is dedicated to the respect of teachers and their relationship with their students. People worship their mentors, teachers, and gurus on this day. They give thanks to their Gurus for their guidance and support throughout their childhood, formative years, as well as for leading them to the light and knowledge.
On this day also known as Vyasa Purnima, one of India’s greatest sages and writers, Veda Vyasa Mahabharata celebrated his birth anniversary. Due to the festival’s association with knowledge, teaching, and other disciplines, it is called Gyaan Purnima.
Buddhas, Jains, and Hindus all celebrate this festival. Sikhs observe this day to honor their Ten Spiritual Gurus. Jains call it a “Treenok Guru Purnima”, which is the day Lord Mahavira became his first disciple. The first sermon of Lord Buddha, according to Buddhism, was delivered on Guru Purnima at Sarnath. Buddha Purnima is celebrated on this day.
Time of Guru Purnima
India celebrates Guru Purnima during Ashadha Purnima, the full moon in Ashadha Month (Hindu Calendar). Find out more Guru Purnima PujaPlease visit the Choghadiya Link to find out more about auspicious time and dates
The significance of Guru Purnima Festival
Two words make up the word Guru. ‘Gur’ is for darkness, and ‘Ru is for light. Guru is someone who can help us escape the darkness of ignorance, and give us knowledge and awareness. This festival is important because of its very meaning.
Guru in Indian culture is a person or mentor who removes all fear and ignorance.
The great Ramakrishna paramhansa said, “Only the illuminated teachings of true knowledge are capable of being a true teacher.” ” Our Guru is said to reside in our Vishuddha Chakra, which is located in the throat. He awakens when our higher self surrenders.
Celebrations are meant to celebrate the Guru Purnima Festival It is to live by the teachings and pay tribute to our Gurus. Gurus and teachers have made our lives worthwhile and valuable.
According to Hindu texts, Lord Shiva also transmitted the knowledge about Yoga to Saptarishis that day. Lord Shiva was known as Adi Guru or Guru when the universe was created.
in Buddhism, is the day of the enlightenment and death anniversary of Lord Buddha. Bodha, the enlightenment of Buddha, is also identified with the delivery of the first Sermon. The Guru Purnima, also known as Buddha Purnima.
Guru Purnima Festival: Rituals and Celebrations
There are several places where you can celebrate Guru Purnima, including India, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, and others. There are many rituals that Hindus and Bhuddhists can perform to observe Guru Purnima. Here’s a glimpse.
- It is a day when devotees take a shower and change into new clothes before offering their prayers and paying tribute to their Gurus. They also offer “Deeksha” to their teachers and mentors. Make sure you check your Online Astrology Sign Chart
- They recall their teachers while reciting Guru Shloka.
Gurur Vishnu , Gurur Brahma , Guru Devo Maheshwara
- Devotees pay tribute to Maharishi Vyas on this day and offer prayers to Adi Shankara and Sri Madhvacharya. These are the Maha Gurusin Hinduism. People perform “Vyas Puja”, recite Mantras, and sing hymns. In the memory of Maha Guru, one can also read The Guru Gita.
- If one’s Guru has passed away, one can worship his picture or portrait. It is also performed as a remembrance of the Guru.
- In order to receive guru’s blessings, we perform Guru Purnima Puja (Yajna) and Guru Purnima Puja in temples and at homes. Others observe fast and meditate on Yogic Sadhana.Day of Guru Purnima.
- Buddhists pay homage to Lord Buddha on this day by visiting his shrines and paying tribute to him. They perform a ritual called “Uposatha” to listen to eight teachings by Buddha. This is a day many monks consider auspicious to begin their journey of meditation or ascetic practices.
- Priests, monks, and nuns offer flowers, incense and candles, Prasad and Milk, as well as Prasad and Earthen clay or Diyas, to Lord Buddha’s idols. During the ceremony, devotees in white are clad in prayer clothes and prepare “Kheer”, or prasad.