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Health and Fitness


We all suffer from joint pain at some point in our lives. This joint pain could be the result of an accident or sports injury, it could be age-related or could be brought on by a sedentary lifestyle. While joint pain is a universal ailment, the fact that we tend to ignore it until it aggravates is also a universal problem. Most of us think that if we do not address the pain, it might go away on its own. On the other hand, some like to take matters into their own hands and try to find solutions to their joint pain without consulting a physiotherapist. In both of these methods, there is a chance that your joint pain might increase, cause more damage to your joints and line you up for invasive methods of treatment. Hence, it is imperative that if you are suffering from joint pain that is coming in the way of your daily routine and stopping you from performing your daily tasks comfortably, you must consult a physiotherapist and start with light exercises for relief.

Yoga is one such form of perfect low-impact exercise that you can perform at any time of the day. So, how does Yoga provide relief from chronic joint pain?

First, Yoga improves flexibility.

Often people who suffer from joint pain or Osteoarthritis (a musculoskeletal disorder), experience joint stiffness. Yoga thus helps increase the range of motion of a joint and makes performing actions like bending, stretching, and walking better.

Second, it helps to strengthen bones. Yoga asanas include the use of weight-bearing joints. Over time, the practice of Yoga asanas makes bones stronger and increases bone density which prevents falls and suffering fractures.

Third, it makes the joint muscles stronger. Yoga involves the use of muscles as you balance and performs various asanas. This makes muscles strong which in turn reduces the strain on weight-bearing joints. This eventually helps keep you protected from the risk of injury, falls, and also musculoskeletal disorders like osteoarthritis.

If you are suffering from mild to moderate joint pain and are looking for asanas for relief or wish to delay the onset of joint-related aches and pains, here are some yoga asanas you can perform every day. For the elderly, Chair Yoga is a good way to exercise without pressuring your joints. You will find some Chair Yoga poses below.

Trikonasana or Triangle Pose

This asana is great for improving overall flexibility and range of mobility. The routine practice of this asana will help reduce stiffness of the spine, open up shoulder and hip

muscles and help relieve tension from the lower back. It also helps improve balance and stability by strengthening your core muscles.

Tadasana or Mountain Pose

This asana can be practiced in a standing or seated position. It is especially beneficial for people who tend to slouch or hunch their back and shoulders. This pose serves as a foundation or baseline for all standing yoga poses. It is known to reduce back and neck pain and improve posture. Apart from this, it also helps strengthen your lower limbs, i.e., the ankles, knees, and thighs.

Virabhadrasana or Warrior Pose

This is another asana that can be performed standing or seated as per your ability. It makes use of a group of muscles, right from the shoulders and arms to the hips and the thigh muscles. It helps reduce shoulder stiffness, stretches each side of your body, and gives a good stretch to the whole leg –

from the thighs to the calves and down to the ankles and also aids

in reducing back pain. This pose also strengthens the core muscles and improves the overall balancing ability thus protecting you from falls.

Bharadvajasana or Seated Spinal Twist

As the name suggests, this asana helps in stretching, lengthening, and strengthening the spine thereby relieving one of the back pain problems. If you feel muscle tension or knots in your shoulders and neck area due to being seated for too long, performing this asana will help improve blood circulation to these regions and relieve your ache and stiffness. As you go ahead in your practice of this asana, you can attempt a deeper twist as you grip the chair to improve the range of motion of your spine. Apart from these benefits, it is a great asana to relieve stress at any time throughout the day.

Kapotasana or Pigeon Pose

This asana is a miracle pose to help reduce stiffness in your lower body. As you fold your leg and flex your ankle in this asana, it helps to stretch and improve the strength of your hamstrings and hip muscles. Not just this, it also helps improve balance and opens the hip muscles to release tension.

As mentioned above, these Yoga poses can be performed at any time of the day and can be modified to suit your ability. While these light-impact asanas are a great way to reduce and curb joint pain from alleviating, you must consult a physiotherapist while you do them. Also, to aid joint pain relief, try to apply an Ayurveda ingredient-based oil like Zandu Ortho Vedic Oil to your joints twice a day, especially after your exercise. it is made with 5 classical oils and over 100 Ayurvedic ingredients and shows visible improvement from joint pain within 7 days of regular application. 

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