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How to take care of the Synthetic Turf Melbourne for an enduring lifetime?

Nowadays more people are starting to invest in Synthetic Turf Melbourne. When compared to the natural grass, these lawns are less maintained and reduce various expenses like water bills, electricity bill and more. The fake turfs are having a 20-25 years lifetime approximately and it brings several benefits to you. But for many of you, taking care of the artificial lawn looks like a dumping task. When you are known about a few important tips to handle the synthetic grass properly, then it will be easy for you to keep it clean. This fake grass is a great alternative for natural meadows which will make you be frustrated with the weeds and debris. Scroll down to know some maintenance tips to take care of your beautiful artificial turf.

Brush the Synthetic Turf Melbourne regularly

Brush the artificial grass regularly will help to enhance the look of the meadow. The debris, dust, and dirt are accumulating on the turf and make it appear unpleasant all time. So, it is vital to clean the lawn with a garden vacuum, sweeper, or leaf blower to remove the dirt and fallen leaves. This brush helps the blades in a straight direction which makes the garden look more natural and lavish. So, try to sweep the garden at least once a week to keep it clean and fresh.

Control the debris and weeds

Weeds can grow even after installing the synthetic turf, so treat it with the weedicides often. You can use the weedkiller to remove the unwanted plants but make sure to choose the one which is a liquid solution. It can help to avoid the turf getting damaged and once the weeds are dead then remove the weed killer with the help of the brush. To control and remove the debris, you can easily do it with your hands or using the leaf blowers and broom.

Remove the stains from the Synthetic Turf Melbourne

To remove the stain on the lawn, you can use a paper towel, damp cloth and spot the smear directly. But be sure to don’t rub the grass, that will affect the lawn from looking dull. If you feel it is hard to remove the stain, then mix the little amount of water with the detergent and soak your cloth in it. To remove the tough oil mark, you can go with the mineral spirits or cloth. When you have to clean up the animal mess, then try to remove it as soon as possible to keep the grass gaze better.

Rinse the lawn frequently

The main reason for rinsing the artificial grass frequently is to prevent removing the dirt, debris, and stains from there. It helps to prevent the lawn from getting damaged that expands the lifetime of the meadow. To wash the meadow, you will go with such sources as a hose with clean, cool water, and mild detergent. To clean the heavier stains like grease, sunscreen or motor oil then make use of the mineral spirits. This process assists you to keep clean and bring a pleasant smell.

Clean after little messes of pets

If you are having pet friends then note the lawn often and clean after little messes of animals. The easy dirt can be removed by the water, for the hard stains you will use mild soap with warm water or an equal amount of vinegar to clean it. Eliminate the solid waste with a pooper scooper or baggie, spray the urinate areas with water once a week and apply the turf neutralizer if needed. These all are to keep the garden clean, smelling good and fresh.

Bottom lines

We Auzzie turf provides you the Synthetic Turf Melbourne which has less maintenance and best to use. Our artificial grasses are pet and kids-friendly, so you can install them without any fear. The synthetic grass offered by us has a great lifespan which is part of all the landscapes. You will find a wide range of premium quality fake grasses with us that suits for all your needs and expectations.

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