Asthma symptoms, causes, and prevention
Asthma is a dangerous disease. It is such a disease that if a person gets it, it remains for life. To be honest, it is an incurable disease, but with some medicines and precautions, we can control it, but it is a bit difficult to get rid of it completely.
More than 33 crore people in the world are suffering from this disease and every year about 2.5 lakh deaths are due to this disease.
In this disease, the person has seizures and along with it he has a lot of pain, so much pain that he cannot even walk two steps.
Asthma disease can be more harmful during winter. In today’s title, we will talk about the disease of asthma, due to which we will be able to find out what is the disease of asthma. what are your symptoms? And we will learn about the reasons for this.
Asthma is a disease that affects all ages, even a child can get it. These include, for example, rhinitis and other allergies. So do not worry if you are in this disease and you have found that the season is getting colder, because this disease is very harmful, which we have today in detail. causes and prevention of asthma disease
What is the disease of Asthma?
There is a strong tightening of the lungs, and when the person breathes, the number of cells is filled with air. causes and prevention of asthma disease
It is very important to know that children and adults have different responses to the disease. As we grow up, as soon as the disease starts, it grows until the age of 20. Then, the number of children will reach and will get the person’s health. causes and prevention of asthma disease
Asthma causes the muscles of the respiratory system to tighten too much, so the airways to the lung get narrow. This causes the air to be difficult to flow, and when we breathe more often, the air becomes tighter.
Asthma is also called asthma disease. This is a disease of breathlessness. When a person’s airways malfunction or his lungs become dilated and due to that there is difficulty in breathing, then this disease is called asthma or asthma disease.
In this disease, a person also has seizures. The best treatment for this is an inhaler. Asthma patients should always carry an inhaler with them.
If they reduce the use of the inhaler or stop using it, it will be very dangerous for them because the disease of asthma will increase due to this and can even kill them. causes and prevention of asthma disease
Symptoms of Asthma
Asthma is a disorder of the airways of the lungs, which causes breathing difficulties that can be life-threatening. Children with asthma suffer from wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness and experience these symptoms on a daily basis. A few symptoms of asthma are severe enough to warrant a doctor’s visit.
The majority of children who suffer from asthma have mild to moderate asthma. The most common symptoms of asthma include:
- Recurrent coughing
- Difficulty catching a breath after strenuous exercise
- Difficulty breathing when running or playing
Asthma exacerbations, which are severe asthma attacks, are triggered by a wide range of triggers, such as allergens, viral infections, weather changes, pollution, exercise, and foods. The severity of asthma is based on the frequency of exacerbations. causes and prevention of asthma disease
A doctor will conduct a physical exam to determine how severe asthma is in a child. The child will be asked about his or her symptoms and will be examined for visible breathing patterns, including the shape of the chest, the wheezing sound, and the strength and speed of the child’s breathing. In severe asthma attacks, the child may go into respiratory distress.
1.) breathlessness
2.) Difficulty in breathing
3.) Shortness of breath
4.) excessive cravings
5.) Feeling extremely tired
6.) Allergic to fog or smoke
Causes to Asthma
Although there are many reasons for the disease of asthma, we tell you about some of the reasons. So let’s know what these are:
1.) Because of the smoke
2.) Exposure to fog
3.) Due to the brisk walking
4.) Due to dust and soil etc.
5.) During changing seasons
6.) Due to infection in the respiratory tract
Things to note
1.) Difficulty in breathing! If a person has difficulty in breathing, then he should go to the doctor and get himself treated. If he ignores this then it can prove to be dangerous for him. Before the disease progresses, it is necessary to treat it.
2.) Whenever a person hears a whistling sound while breathing, it can be a symptom of asthma.
3.) If a person has a cough every day and it is with him continuously for one or two months, then he should go to the doctor and get himself examined.
4.) The person who always has a cold should also get a test done by the doctor so that he can know the cause of the cold and cold.
5.) The biggest symptom of asthma is that the person has difficulty in breathing and becomes breathless very quickly.
6.) Get tired quickly. The person starts feeling tired quickly due to weakness, due to which he starts feeling short of breath very soon.
7.) Chest pain and burning can be a symptom of asthma.
8.) Restlessness or trouble sleeping can be symptoms of asthma. It is not a good thing if someone has restlessness and trouble sleeping. Get it checked immediately.
9.) Allergies inside or outside the body can cause asthma disease. If someone has such an allergy, then it should not be ignored.
10.) Dust and soil also increase the chances of getting asthma. If a person is allergic to dust and soil, then he should always keep his nose closed instead of dust and soil because it can increase the chances of getting asthma or asthma disease.
11.) Due to a change of weather! Any person who makes a difference due to the changing of the weather, then he should especially take care of himself.
12.) Asthma disease occurs due to infection in the respiratory tubes.
Some tests to know about the disease of Asthma
1.) To know the disease of asthma, it is very important to know some things from which we can find out whether a person has, does not have, or is likely to have asthma disease. After that, we can treat it easily. As soon as the symptoms appear, the person should go to the doctor and get himself examined and follow the things told him.
2.) Through the examination of the body, the disease of asthma can be checked.
3.) Through Medical tests.
4.) Through allergy tests also we can diagnose and prevent the disease of asthma.
5.) Through blood test.
6.) By spirometry also we can know asthma or asthma disease.
7.) By X-ray.
8.) We can also know the disease of asthma by getting the amount of oxygen in the blood tested.
9.) Asthma disease can also be detected by examining the movement in the lungs.
How Asthma is Diagnosed
To treat asthma, a doctor will need to know if the symptoms are caused by allergies or asthma. The doctor will need to determine whether the child suffers from mild, moderate, or severe asthma. In order to rule out other conditions that mimic asthma, a doctor will ask the child to take allergy medications and have a prick test. This is a skin test that involves injecting allergens into the skin. If asthma is suspected, the doctor will conduct a chest X-ray, pulmonary function test, and allergy testing to determine what triggers asthma.
The doctor will then determine how the child’s asthma is controlled and will refer the child to a specialist for treatment. If the asthma is not under control, the doctor will begin to work with the child to control the condition.
Treatment of Asthma
1.) It is very important to mention one thing here asthma is an incurable disease.
2.) People who want to get rid of asthma disease should improve their lifestyle. We can avoid this dangerous disease only by improving our lifestyle because in our everyday life there are many such things and things that we ignore and that cause our diseases.
3.) If someone uses a drug, he should give up the drug, because intoxication is a dangerous thing. Asthma disease mostly happens to the people who consume them. To get rid of asthma, it is necessary to get rid of intoxicants.
4.) Avoid dust, and soil, because dust and soil can also cause asthma disease. If someone is suffering from asthma, then he should avoid dust and soil and always tie a cloth around the nose so that he is safe.
5.) For many people the change in weather makes a big difference and it is dangerous for asthma patients. Therefore, whenever there is a change in the weather, they should be in a special way. Especially in the winter season because the winter season is very dangerous for asthma disease. Asthma disease takes hold in winter.
6.) If someone is allergic to any method, then he should get that allergy treated. If there is a disease of asthma, then contact the doctor for prevention because allergies can cause asthma disease.
8.) It is necessary for asthma patients to eat food early at night.
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