Muslim prayer beads are known as “Alhambra”, which is derived from the Arabic phrase” Allah is Great” (Arabic: “AA Allah wa ta’ala”). They are available in many different colors, shapes, and sizes. The choice of which type to use is a matter of personal choice and the effect desired. But there is one thing they all have in common. They are beautiful to look at, and have an exceptional ability to help you in achieving a higher level of spirituality and consciousness.
For example, the most commonly used Muslim prayer beads are the black ones. Whatever the color, the metal and the religion, prayer beads used specifically for Islamic prayers have one, universal, common characteristic: to help in reciting prayers or certain mantras or names and reach a higher, better spiritual state of mind and consciousness.
an important aspect is that the color of the prayer bead should not be too dark
One important aspect is that the color of the prayer bead should not be too dark, as this could distract one from hearing or seeing the reciter. It is believed that such distractions will prevent the spirit from coming closer to God. What’s more, if you wear an eye patch during your prayers, then the color of the prayer bead could also keep the light away from you. So consider using light-colored beads.
Muslim prayer beads with red stones are popular as they have a soothing effect. In fact, rose garden prayer beads are used especially for the first few times in prayer. They allow you to focus fully on the recitation of the words of the holy texts. The rose garden is a symbol of beauty and wisdom for both Muslims and non-muslim.
One of the most popular Muslim prayer beads for recitation is the black, golden or platinum djikr. These drier are worn over the chest and come in a number of different styles and sizes. The price is moderate, but they are made from the finest sterling silver, copper or gold. The square or rectangular shape is attractive and perfect for the start of any Muslim ritual, whether it is a Salat or a Qadha.
Gold tasbih is a special color reserved exclusively for Sayyids
Gold tasbih is a special color reserved exclusively for Sayyids. This is also one of the most popular Muslim prayer beads for recitation. This is said to be a color of purity and peace. Those who wear it know that peace, joy and happiness will surround them and their actions will be praised by God. A cube of this tasbih measures approximately 33 x 32 inches.
Among the more common Muslim prayer beads for recitation are the white, gold, and platinum ones. These are available in a variety of beautiful designs such as those with beautiful Swarovski crystals, diamonds and other gems. These beads are usually simple and elegant and have been used by Muslims for hundreds of years. They are also very simple to wear so that everyone can participate in a recitation without being embarrassed. They are therefore popular among all kinds of Muslims.
Most women prefer the gold tasbih over the platinum ones for reasons of material quality. Each color of tasbih is said to represent a virtue, and gold is said to be a bearer of wealth and success. Many Muslim women who want to wear them are also known to purchase them as a set, because even the simple act of putting them on is a symbol of faith. With all these reasons to choose from, you will not run out of beautiful Muslim prayer beads to purchase for yourself or for a loved one.
Thousands of different styles and designs available
There are thousands of different styles and designs available for a person to choose from, and most are handcrafted by highly skilled artisans. You can get any size and shape of bead for your Muslim prayer needs. Some include Arabic prints, poems or messages engraved on them. Others are plain and feature no writing whatsoever. They can also be crafted in all sorts of beautiful styles, such as those that incorporate intricate floral designs or those that resemble geometrical patterns.
You can also get Muslim beads for all kinds of occasions and prayers. In addition to prayer beads for Muslim prayers, you can also get rosaries for all Muslim traditions and beliefs, including Islam, Judaism and Christianity. Muslim bead jewelry is very attractive and can be worn by both men and women. Many women prefer to wear them under their daily clothing, or even covering it with their hair. The large selections available mean that you can find a perfect pair for every occasion.
With so many styles available for Muslim prayer beads, you should never have a problem finding the perfect one for your needs. If you are in the market for some top-quality prayer beads, then you can’t go wrong when shopping at a retailer that sells Muslim jewelry. You can even get some really great deals online. You can find some amazing deals and free shipping too.