There’s no shame in admitting: we’re only humans. And, as ordinary people, we like to postpone stuff until the very last moment. If we don’t label something a burning issue, we tend to delay its execution until we’re out of time. Then, perplexity and rush ensue, leading to half-baked solutions. For this reason, start planning your home examination and implement urgent property updates today!
Don’t bet on “necessity is the mother of all inventions!” The drawback comes only later. Shortly, it will dawn on us that had we dealt with the problem with the much-needed thoughtfulness in time, we might have benefited more from a more rewarding outcome.
When corrosion attacks your home
Now let’s apply this theory to your real estate! Are you a happy homeowner? Do you truly cherish your property? Then, invest in it! You can address pressing issues with simple solutions revealed in this article! Why would you spend your spare time and money on something already fully functional? Newsflash! Everything is exposed to corrosion and decay. Once your house experiences property damage, its value decreases substantially.
In other words, delay costs you money. Whether you postpone critical repairs or an upgrade to your home, you will lose money in the long run. Experienced local real estate agents will confirm this: Property damages pile up. When you wish to sell your house, you might have to settle with a worse offer. We don’t want that, do we?
Wrecking natural elements and how to deal with them
Natural elements are the essential sources of critical damage done to your property. You can efficiently deal with the situation, though. First and foremost, make sure you have sufficient and affordable homeowners insurance. If bad weather conditions rough up your property, the insurance covers gutters and roof damage costs. Additionally, trees can also fall onto your windows and walls. In this article, we’ll see the most common home insurance claims.
In some cases, however, home insurance will not suffice. There are optional and exclusive insurance coverages for items of great value. If you don’t buy these, you may risk underinsurance. What can you do to spare money?
You can call for a home repair specialist in time or be adventurous and patch it up yourself to avert more critical damage! There are efficient do-it-yourself solutions around the house you can learn, bringing the very best and cost-effective results. And remember! You’re not only repairing your home, but you’re investing in it at the same time. Thus, you can increase its worth when you wish to sell it.
Specialists highlighted that the wind is the most common source of property damage. Storms and gusts can displace trees, ravage roots, and throw things left outdoors. So tables and chairs can suddenly end up in your living room, breaking your windows too. You can eliminate these dangers by pruning trees, consolidating structures. Indeed, make sure you don’t leave heavy objects outside unfixed.
Domestic water
Watch out for domestic water spread within your property! Toilets, washing machines, even the dishwasher can leak. To dodge this bullet, you’ll have to check your home appliances for leakages, cracks, and worn-out conditions. Routine checkups go a long way! There are first-class improvements you can perform. In this scenario, you can replace the rubber hose of your washing machine with a stainless steel one. Also, switch the main water valve off before leaving your home for a more extended period!
Storms and flooding
Hails, storms, and subsequent flooding can cause you severe headaches. As a preventive measure, make sure your roof is in adequate condition. Replace battered shingles. Also, have downspouts installed, diverting water away from your home. Besides, keep your gutter clean at all times! Harsh winters can have a toll on your house too. Double-check your roof not to amass snow and prevent outdoor pipes from freezing!
Fire and lightning
Everyone knows that lightning can cause severe damage to your house. If lightning strikes the electrical devices, your property can easily catch fire. Moreover, it can heat components to the point of ignition on your chimney, concrete, bricks, and shingles.
Gas piping is exceptionally susceptible to catching fire. Electrical discharges can strike valves and appliance connectors. Then, flammable gas leaks cause explosions. As an exquisite DIY countermeasure, we suggest installing the highly fire-proof metal or stone-coated steel roof and the mandatory lightning rod!
Burglary and theft
Approximately 2.5 million break-ins are reported annually in the US. More appalling is that most of them are home invasions too and take place during the daytime and every 30 seconds! You can fend off the advent of such theft by installing a top-notch home security system to keep your home and family safe! Another clever Band-Aid could be growing trees and shrubbery around the house. Therefore, they offer an aesthetic hideout for your home – two birds with one stone.
Home inspection
Let’s entertain the idea of selling your house! House-hunters will look for a home in the best possible condition. The home inspection is an essential milestone before the transaction. Why wouldn’t you get an A+ home appraisal grade? So, sooner or later, you’ll have to address the following issues.
Repair all leaks, cracks, and damages! In short, improve your property’s overall condition! The exterior design and quality of landscaping are also significant factors before a buyer would say yes. Also, there are inexpensive and trendy interior design components to vamp up your place. Don’t neglect the condition of your roofing and foundation either! The quality of plumbing and lighting play a fair share in determining a house’s value.
Home inspectors reported that these are the most common issues during an examination. The electrical system comes first with unsatisfactory (often unstable aluminum) wiring, improper overload, and inadequate grounding. Homeowners forget about drainage and leaky basement, leading to dampness. They can’t get away with faulty gutters either. Find out your property’s soft spots in time and mend them asap! Otherwise, home defects will escalate and spiral into life-threatening situations.
Smart home gadgets are your friend!
Innovative technology is at our threshold. Why wouldn’t you benefit from its many advantages? Firstly, they offer eco-friendly solutions. Thus, we can bridle our excessive power consumption and reduce the harmful emissions of carbon dioxide, for instance. Our planet can finally catch its breath.
Secondly, it comes uniquely handy since you can control home appliances via your cell phone. Lastly, you can cut your monthly expenses. You’ll use your smart fan, LED bulbs, intelligent thermostats, and home security cameras when you strictly need them. And, contrary to public perception, they don’t cost a fortune. More companies realized the potential in green energy. Thus, the range of available intelligent gadgets got significantly diversified.
The sensation of owning a house is priceless. For this reason, you have to be precautious at all times to avert either significant damages or too costly home repairs. Unfortunately, home (basic) insurance policies don’t offer an adequate response for every significant natural disaster and theft. Nevertheless, you can prevent a tragedy by conducting regular home investigations and repairs.
We recommend updating your home with the latest budget-friendly cutting-edge home devices. Embrace the intelligent home concept to cut monthly fees, and protect your family and environment! Last but not least, you will be able to increase the value of your real estate considerably. So, don’t escape those highly recommended home improvements and unfinished DIY projects for too long! The clock is ticking.