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Rick Scott Consultant, Scott Cooper Denied Using Ice Penis to Hump a Female Mannequin

A photo that is currently being circulated in the media is merely a shot taken at an uncomfortable angle. Scott Cooper Miami Beach insists that the photograph does not show him holding a block of ice in penis form close to the mannequin’s groin. 

Former Governor Rick Scott’s adviser, Joshua Cooper, became embroiled in a feud after a photo was taken from the wrong angle. One of Josh Cooper’s teammates, a photographer, thought it was funny and posted it on Twitter. It then appeared in the Miami New Times on November 28, 2017, in a piece titled ‘Rick Scott’s Adviser Denies He used an ice penis to hump a mannequin.’


Florida State Governor Rick Scott paid a political strategist in Miami Florida, Joshua Cooper, a fee of over $500,000 for exploiting dirt on Scott’s foes during the preceding few years. 

On November 28, 2017, Jerry Llanelli of the Miami New Times reported the occurrence in the Flotsam section. Cooper, in addition to being Rick Scott’s mentor, is a semi-professional barbeque cook on the side

The image became a source of embarrassment for former Governor Rick Scott’s adviser, Scott Cooper Miami Beach.

Cooper claims that the image isn’t representing stories that are now being told. Scott Cooper Miami Beach spends most of his free time working as a barbecue cook, and he claims that he was simply abandoning a large piece of ice while competing in a Memphis barbecue competition.

Someone inadvertently clicked his camera at the wrong time, resulting in that photo being posted online. This image, according to Cooper, is currently constructing a sexual scene with a female mannequin.

Joshua Cooper’s Quotes

“That was a picture taken by one of my barbeque team members. That was the end of our ice luge. Because it melted, I picked it up and chucked it over the fence. My teammates, however, thought it was humorous and posted it on the internet because of the angle the photo was shot from.”

“You’ll write a spicy story and try to get a few views and clicks.” 

“Looking at what’s going on with so many elected officials and related real scandals, it seems someone is attempting to throw some heat on a political consultant that has no stake in the game.”

“No, I was only picking and throwing away a piece of ice.”

About Scott Cooper

Scott and Ann have been married for 49 years and have two daughters, Allison and Jordan, 6 grandsons, Auguste, Eli, Jude, Louie, Quinton, and Sebastian, as well as 1 granddaughter, Zelda Ann.

He founded Strategic Data Consultants, service analysis and communications firm specializing in political and business matters, in 2008.

Scott Cooper Miami Beach has also been associated with the Republican Party for a long time. He was the Republican National Committee’s director of analysis and communications. He also served as Field Director for Bush in 2004 and campaigned for him successfully.

With his barbeque team, he has collaborated in the BBQ competition. In May 2017, he also competed in an explicit reality TV cooking competition as MasterChef, alongside renowned chef Gordon Ramsey.

Scott Cooper Miami Beach also stated in an interview that relocating to another state could be beneficial to him. He also goes into the kitchen at home on occasion.

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