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Food and Drink

Uses of cocoa beans

Theobroma cacao, which is the cocoa tree, is dried and called cocoa bean or cocoa. This cocoa is used to make chocolate. It is rich in antioxidants and provides health benefits. Forastero, Criollo, Trinitarian are the types of Cocoa. Forastero is the most common type and is used worldwide and is produced on a wide scale. The second type Criollo is not that common because it is vulnerable to many attacks that may cause diseases; therefore, it is not produced on a large scale. Trina Tario is resistant to any kind of plant disease and is produced on large scale.

The coca plant is beneficial and effective for curing many diseases and the cocoa importers are selling it on a large scale. Let us look at some of them.

Heart Disease

It is estimated that 1 in 4 people die of heart disease and the most common type of heart disease is coronary artery disease. In this condition the arteries and veins that supply blood to the heart get blocked. This results in less oxygen supply to the heart. By inculcating cocoa powder into the diet, the risk of getting heart disease can be minimized. According to research id elder people who eat cocoa, they are likely to have a low average blood pressure than others who do not eat it. If a person eats chocolate, the risk of dying from heart disease is less. The structure of the blood vessels called endothelium improves if an individual eats chocolate and the risk of a heart attack decreases.

Chronic fatigue syndrome

As the name suggests, it is a disorder in which a person faces fatigue for six months. A person with this disease may face loss of memory, lack of sleep, and dizziness. The exact cause of this disease is unknown but medical experts believe that it can be caused due to any psychological stress or viral infections. Moreover, hormonal disbalance and immune system problems can lead to this disease. According to research eating 8 grams of chocolate for 8 weeks can help in reducing anxiety, depression, and fatigue.


It is a medical condition of the liver that causes permanent damage. The normal working of the liver is imbalanced because of viral infections. In this medical condition scar tissue replaces the liver tissue. The blood flow is blocked in this condition. Accelerated heartbeat, personality, and bleeding gums are the symptoms that can be seen. Taking dark chocolate with a liquid meal can help in improving this medical condition. Dark chocolate has 85% cocoa.


Constipation is an irregular bowel movement in which the bowel movement is limited to three times a week. The stool becomes dry and hard. The process also becomes painful and the feeling of not passing the bowel completely also persists. Gastrointestinal diseases like constipation are common and it is estimated that 85% of people in the USA went to see a doctor for this disease. Pregnant women during pregnancy and after childbirth face constipation. Older people also face it as they have a weak metabolism. When the colon absorbs too much water from the waste it causes constipation. Food moves slowly through the digestive tract that causes constipation. Cocoa husks and beta Fructus can help n reduce hard stools, min children.


When we eat food, it is broken down into sugar and then it is released into the blood. Then insulin is rel4ased by the pancreas when the blood sugar level goes up. The body cells use this energy that is induced by the insulin in the blood. But when a person faces diabetes, their body doesn’t make insulin or is not able to use the insulin already present in the body. Too much sugar to stay in the blood because of a lack of insulin. This leads to other serious heart problems, vision loss, and kidney disease. Some studies have been carried out that say that using cocoa can help in reducing insulin resistance and can also improve sensitivity. But sill it cannot influence the blood sugar level. Read more Remote Healthcare: The future of healthcare!

Weight loss

Weight loss is the most common problem observed in many people around the world. One common problem related to weight gain is obesity. It can be caused due to genetic history or due to consumption of unhealthy fatty foods like junk food. Many people face obesity by using sugar-sweetened foods. Some western food promotes insulin resistance that causes the weight to increase drinking a sugar-free cocoa beverage can help in weight loss. Following a reduced-calorie diet and including two squares of dark chocolate can help in weight loss.


Cocoa is consumed and produced on a large scale in the world. Many chocolate lovers consume it daily or weekly to treat their taste buds. Some studies have been carried out that suggest that cocoa can reduce the risk of heart failure or heart disease. Fatigue and depression can be reduced by including chocolate in the diet. Cirrhosis, liver disease can be treated by inducing dark chocolate into the diet. Less calorie diet that also has dark chocolate can be taken for treating weight loss.




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