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What are the signs and symptoms of a brain tumor?

Abnormal growth of cells is the hallmark of cancer. It can occur in any part of the body and can be benign or malignant. A benign tumor is a cluster of cells that has been confined to a single location and doesn’t spread. However, the symptoms of brain tumors do not appear in the initial stage. 

Malignant tumors spread and affect other parts of the body.

Brain cancer is a form of cancer that spreads from tumors. Cancer can develop when the brain cells lose their natural ability to divide and become abnormally damaged. It is not possible to pinpoint the exact cause of brain cancer. However, early detection and intervention can make a big difference in treating this disease. Consult a doctor at the Cytecare Hospital Bangalore for medical advice. 

Common Symptoms of Brain tumor

Brain tumors can cause damage to vital neurological pathways, invade and compress brain tissue, and even lead to death. Therefore, the location and size of the tumor are important factors in determining the symptoms of a brain tumor.

Most cancers are painless in the beginning. The first sign of cancer is usually mild discomfort. As cancer grows, it may become more severe. It could be caused by cancer compressing or eroding into nerves and other structures.

The tumor is pressing onto other areas of your brain, causing symptoms and preventing them from functioning normally.

Signs can also be an indication of something not right. Signs are things that can be seen or treated by a doctor, nurse, and other health care professionals. For example, a sign of pneumonia could be fever, rapid breathing, or abnormal breathing sounds through a stethoscope.

The skull is made from the bone, so only a certain amount of space is available for the brain. A growing tumor can increase the pressure within this space. It is known as ‘raised intracranial tension.

These are the three most significant signs you could have brain cancer.

Headache: This is a sign of a variety of diseases. If you are experiencing severe headaches, particularly in the mornings, you should consult your doctor to have a scan done. As time goes by, headaches can become more frequent and more severe. In addition, they may be accompanied by fatigue or sickness.

Seizures and Fits: A tumor that develops in one brain area can cause nerve damage. There may be jerks or twitches in various parts of your body.

Drowsiness: A growing tumor can cause brain fatigue. You may feel tired and sleepy even during the day.  

Is motion sickness a symptom of a brain tumor?

Motion sickness is a common condition in the inner ear. Motion sickness, also known as the labyrinth, affects the inner ear and the senses of balance and equilibrium. It can also affect the senses’ spatial orientation.

You can experience different symptoms depending on where the brain tumor is located. If you have experienced symptoms of brain tumors, a doctor should examine them.

Brain tumors can cause fits. A brain tumor patient is likely to visit their doctor after experiencing a fit. A fit could be as simple as jerking or twitching in arm, leg, or hand. However, in some cases, motion sickness is also considered a symptom of a brain tumor

Brain tumors can cause cognitive and behavioral symptoms.

Vision and Hearing Problems: People with brain cancer may also experience problems with their vision and hearing. The problems affect 25% of patients. Vision problems are caused by a tumor that causes an increase in intracranial pressure to the brain areas that control vision and hearing.

Cognitive and behavioral abnormalities: Patients with brain tumors have reported changes in their behavior and cognitive abilities. Patients with brain tumors may experience problems with short-term memory, inability to concentrate, and abnormal behavior like a lack of patience or loss of inhibitions.

Strange sensations: A tumor can cause problems in any part of the body because the brain controls a large portion of it. These symptoms can manifest as strange sensations in the legs, arms, facial muscles, or weakness in the hands. These symptoms can also be signs of a stroke. Therefore, one shall report these symptoms to the doctor immediately. The doctor may order a brain scan to rule out a stroke.


Three major tests that help to determine if someone has brain cancer.

  1. CT Scans (Computed Tomography – A widely-used high-resolution, three-dimensional imaging scanner that uses X Rays to create cross-sectional images.
  2. MRI Scans (Magnetic Response Imaging) – These scans are performed after a special dye (which makes certain parts of the body appear clearer) has been introduced to the body. The MRI scan uses radio waves and powerful magnets translated by a computer into images.
  3. PET Scans (Positron emission tomography) are a specialized imaging method that uses radioactive substances to create three-dimensional images.

How to treat a brain tumor?

Different types of doctors also contribute to brain tumor treatment. They work together to develop a treatment plan that includes multiple types of treatment. Besides, it may include other health care professionals such as nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and oncology nurses. 

Social workers, counselors, pharmacists, dietitians, rehabilitation experts, and others. It may include talking to other medical professionals outside your area for help with treatment planning and diagnosis.

Surgery and therapies are the most common treatments for brain tumors. You may also get treatment for side effects and symptoms as part of your care plan.

Many factors influence treatment options and recommendations.

  • The type and size of the tumor.
  • How the tumor is impacting vital brain parts
  • If the tumor has spread beyond the CNS or to the body.
  • Possible side effects
  • Patients’ preferences and overall health


It can be difficult to diagnose brain tumors and symptoms. Doctors will usually first consider these causes. However, some doctors may take too long to test different diagnoses and delay treatment. Trust only an experienced cancer specialist to address the symptoms of brain tumors

Most brain cancer patients will receive some form of treatment. It is to either correct the problem or improve its functionality. In addition, the doctor offers physical therapies, medications, and surgery to patients with brain cancer and other nervous system cancers. 

If you notice any symptoms, it is best to take a medical opinion. Therefore, an appointment with the best oncologist at Cytecare Hospital through Credihealth. 

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