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What Preschool Children Learn in an International School in Malaysia?

Preschool is where children experience and learn various things combined with play under the guidance of professionally trained teachers. Preschool education is important for their overall development, where they develop physically, socially, emotionally, and mentally. When a 3-year-old spends time with teachers, they learn to build trusting relationships with adults, learn new things which foster personal growth.

By enrolling them in the best Pre school in Malaysia, your child will learn many things and attain an overall development.

How does an International Pre School in Malaysia Help in Overall development? 

Let’s understand!

Physical development

Activities in the International School are designed for preschool kids to develop their motor skills. Children do various activities such as running, jumping, climbing, painting, playing etc. These activities (indoors and outdoors) make them active and help in building healthy bones and muscles.

Children learn to scribble, and teachers provide them with different kinds of paper and writing tools, like crayons, markers, pencils to strengthen their motor skills. Movement is important as it stimulates learning, improves concentration,  strengthens their hand-eye coordination and agility.

Social development 

Preschool is the perfect time where children can learn how to get along with others, share, take turns, and work through conflict peacefully. A Preschool in Malaysia helps your child to get along with others. Teachers teach them many valuable things like respecting others, sharing, playing in a team, making friends, etc. By playing and learning together, kids build their social skills such as learning to communicate, self-control, sharing, etc.

Emotional development

Children grow emotionally in preschool, they learn to understand their own feelings and that of others. Teachers help them in managing their feelings and behavior. They learn to be kind and caring towards others. They improve their self-esteem by doing new activities and learning from them.

Language and literacy development in Pre School in Malaysia

Children learn to communicate through listening to stories read by teachers, talking to other kids, reading and writing a few words, etc… Teachers talk to children throughout the day and encourage them to talk with others which helps to share information, ideas, and feelings with each other. Teachers not only ask ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions, but they also ask questions that encourage thinking. Playing rhyming games, singing songs, pointing out letters and words from books are some activities that help them to develop their language and communication skills.

Most preschoolers are curious and ask a lot of questions and teachers answer all those questions patiently and encourage more such questions so that they learn to discover.

Creativity development

In Preschool a child’s creative spark is ignited through many opportunities. They express their creativity through various art forms like painting, drawing, music, singing, and playing with instruments.

In an International School, teachers focus on all areas of learning. They take care of each child’s interest, plan themes or projects that help children expand their knowledge and skills.

Children learn to be independent

Children learn to take care of themselves, their belongings, handle self-care activities like going to the bathroom, washing hands, tidying up, etc…

The basic curriculum of Pre Schools in Malaysia

  • Children will learn to recognize all 26 uppercase letters and some lowercase letters
  • They will begin to identify their first name and write it out
  • Preschool children develop an understanding of letters and sounds,
  • Learning numbers, counting objects, sorting

All these concepts are learned through different tools and materials that are colorful and interesting. Preschoolers are given unstructured playtime and free use of art materials. Learning in preschool years is about building skills through play. The best International School will give your children a well-rounded education.


Remember preschool is not about focusing only on academic skills, it’s all about having fun and acquiring various skills. Don’t forget the important thing, that you as parents should provide them an environment where day to day activities help them to learn things. Discuss with them their day-to-day life at Pre school in Malaysia and encourage them to do things that they love or the things that make them happy.

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