Are organic tampons better for you?
Making the switch from conventional to natural non toxic tampons period products makes sense when you consider that your vagina is one of the most absorbent parts of your body. Regular tampons or conventional (non-organic) tampons are usually made out of a bleached and whitened mix of synthetic rayon and “regular” (aka grown with pesticides) cotton. They often also contain dyes and chemical fragrances (unfortunately, we can’t be more specific, because there’s currently no law requiring manufacturers to list what goes into their tampons). That’s pretty concerning because the vagina is comprised of highly-absorbent mucus membrane tissue. So whatever is on your period products gets absorbed into you. There have also been no studies testing the safety of these ingredients when used long-term inside someone’s body.
“Tampon users use around 11,000–13,000 tampons in their lifetime, so what’s in these products really matters,” says Meika Hollender, co-founder and president of Sustain, a feminine care and sexual wellness brand that offers certified-organic tampons in a range of sizes. “That’s the equivalent of a tampon inside your body for a total of six years.”
Are natural tampons eco-friendly?
Not only are organic natural tampons eco-friendly, but they are also body-friendly. When you choose sustainable, organic tampons, you’re using a product made with certified organic cotton — free of hazardous chemicals or dyes and grown without the use of toxic pesticides — that’s produced under safe factory conditions.
And organic tampon applicators are usually crafted from BPA-free plastic, primarily plant-based plastic, or from 100% biodegradable and compostable cardboard.
What are the best alternatives to plastic tampon applicators?
Most conventional tampon brands rely on non-biodegradable, landfill-clogging plastic applicators (although applicator-free options are available). Organic tampons, like their conventional counterparts, also come in designs with and without an applicator, but there’s generally a more eco-friendly focus to what makes up those applicators.
Can organic pads guard against toxic shock syndrome?
TTS, a potentially fatal illness brought on by bacteria that releases toxic compounds in the body, is frequently associated with tampons. TTS can affect anyone, but it most frequently affects women who are ready to have children. Despite what tampon makers may claim, organic tampons do not prevent against TTS. TTS is brought on by germs, and wearing tampons longer than advised increases the risk. Use the least absorbent tampon necessary and replace it every four to six hours to prevent TTS. Remove the tampon as soon as you see any TTS symptoms, such as a fever, rash, or vomiting, and go to the doctor right once. TTS typically responds well to early therapy. However, it can be lethal if untreated.
The Finest natural tampons Available
The period care sector has recently placed a greater emphasis on sustainability. Tampons and pads are now available from brands that are created using sustainable materials and packaged with recyclable materials. These items have undergone gynecological testing and are made to stop leaks. Even organic tampons with a plant-based or plastic applicator free of bpa are available from some brands. These environmentally friendly options are anticipated to gain popularity as more and more customers become conscious of how their period care decisions affect the environment. Here are some of the top organic tampons available today:
Greater Environmental Benefits
The majority of tampons and pads are made from cotton that has been exposed to dangerous pesticides and herbicides during the manufacturing process. When cotton contacts such a sensitive area of the body, these toxins have the potential to enter your body, pollute streams, and harm soil life. However, these harmful chemicals are not used in the production of organic cotton. As a result, both the environment and your body are protected. Additionally, organic cotton is a more effective use of resources because it uses less water to grow than conventional crops.
By switching to organic tampons and pads, you’re not only improving your own health but also preserving the environment.
Free of Hormone Disrupting Substances
Although tampons are a need for many women, they frequently contain a variety of harmful chemicals. Conventional tampons include endocrine disruptors like dioxin, which have been linked to hormone imbalances, infertility troubles, and even cancer. Organic tampons, however, are produced without these hazardous substances. Instead, they make use of natural substances that are kind to the body. Additionally, organic tampons frequently offer greater leak prevention than their conventional counterparts since they are more absorbent.
Since they are comprised entirely of cotton, organic tampons are completely biodegradable. Applicators made of plants are also environmentally friendly and help lower the likelihood of plastic waste. In this manner, using organic tampons safeguards both the environment and your body. In their lifetime, menstruating women are expected to use 11,000 disposable menstruation products, the bulk of which are tampons and pads, according to a University of Exeter study. These things are dumped in landfills, where they can take hundreds of years to degrade, despite the fact that most people don’t give it much thought. This is not only detrimental to the environment, but it is also costly to our finances. In their lifetime, people typically spend $1,000 on menstrual products. We can lessen our environmental impact and save money by switching to organic tampons.
How frequently should organic tampons be changed
When necessary, organic tampons can be used for four to six hours before they need to be changed. Depending on how frequently you have periods, they should normally be changed every six hours. Tampons are not advised for overnight use, though.
Can organic pads guard against natural tampons?
TTS, a potentially fatal illness brought on by bacteria that releases toxic compounds in the body, is frequently associated with tampons. TTS can affect anyone, but it most frequently affects women who are ready to have children. Despite what tampon makers may claim, organic tampons do not prevent against TTS. TTS is brought on by germs, and wearing tampons longer than advised increases the risk. Use the least absorbent tampon necessary and replace it every four to six hours to prevent TTS. Remove the tampon as soon as you see any TTS symptoms, such as a fever, rash, or vomiting, and go to the doctor right once. TTS typically responds well to early therapy. However, it can be lethal if untreated.
The Finest natural tampons Available
The period care sector has recently placed a greater emphasis on sustainability. Tampons and pads are now available from brands that are created using sustainable materials and packaged with recyclable materials. These items have undergone gynecological testing and are made to stop leaks. Even organic tampons with a plant-based or plastic applicator free of bpa are available from some brands. These environmentally friendly options are anticipated to gain popularity as more and more customers become conscious of how their period care decisions affect the environment. Here are some of the top organic tampons available today:
For those who prefer the ease of plastic, brands like Sustain and Seventh Generation use recycled and/or plant-based plastic, and Cora also uses plastic applicators that are BPA-free. Natracare offers a biodegradable cardboard applicator if you want to go full sustainable.