At present Java software courses are in great demand among students and working professionals. These courses offer you unbelievable career opportunities in several software corporations and also safeguard your future.
What are the benefits of being Java Certified?
It is important to do the OCPJP and become an Oracle certified Java professional for a variety of reasons. It’s convinced of the long-term value it will add to your career, knowledge, and personality. We hope that some of these reasons will also help you in easy programming with less code and in becoming a Java certified professional as well.
1) An opportunity to improve one’s Java knowledge
Certifications provide you with the chance to master the Java programming language in a more in-depth manner in a short period of time. You will not only master the fundamentals of Java; but you will also understand the intricate intricacies of the most important Java APIs. The syllabus for the SE 7 exams is design in such a way that you will be exposed to key concepts such as object-oriented design patterns, file input-output handling, exception handling, database connectivity, Generics and collection, Garbage collectors, and different GC algorithms, multi-threading and concurrency, and many more key topics that are part of the certification objective. Object-oriented design patterns are covered in detail in the syllabus. Once a novice has completed this demanding curriculum; he or she is guaranteed to have a solid understanding of the programming language.
2) Assistance in passing Java written exams
Beginners may benefit from Java Certifications by passing written exams. The level of competition is significantly greater at the fresher level than it is at the experienced level. Many programmers compete for the same position. Companies often utilize written tests to sift through the vast number of applicants. Following your Java certification, there is a very strong probability that you will pass all of these programming written examinations with little or no work on your part once again. Some firms even provide Oracle certified developers the opportunity to interview directly with them on the spot.
3) Preferences in Hiring
Obtaining a Java certification is highly value by many government agencies and consulting firms that work on government-sponsored projects. Although not every job specifies that Java certification is necessary. There are a small number of positions that would prefer a certified developer over a non-certified developer in most cases.
4) Increased Self-Belief
Java certifications provide a significant boost in your self-confidence. Although you may lack considerable real-world programming experience, you will believe that you know a lot more than you really do. This will show in your interview, where it matters the most.
5) Increase the value of your resume
When it comes to resumes, Java Certification is really beneficial. Java certification is especially beneficial if you don’t have really impressive academic records or anything noteworthy from your extracurricular activities. This will help you fill in the blanks in your CV. It may also serve as a filtering criterion on occasion. In order to conduct interviews, a hiring manager has only a limited amount of time. He or she may get 100 resumes from freshers and junior Java developers. If they have either great academic records or Java certifications on their resumes, he will almost probably contact the top ten of them.
6) Increased Compensation
Java certified professionals frequently get a higher income and benefits package than Java developers with the same skill set but who are not certified, however this is not always the case, according to my experience. One possible explanation is that employers place a higher value on Certified professionals than on those who are not. True, some firms specifically state that they will only recruit Oracle Certified Professionals, which is correct in certain cases. One reason for this is because several online testing services, which are utilize by hiring managers to assess fundamentals, allow them to save both time and money when evaluating candidates’ basic skills.
7) An opportunity to improve your Java knowledge and abilities
In today’s world, Java is evolving, and it is changing quickly. It is important to note that if you are reading blogs or reading the release notes of different JDK versions; you should be aware that some new features have been introduce and current ones have been enhance. As a result, the best practice you are now following may become obsolete when you upgrade to a newer version.
8) Employer reimbursement for travel expenses
Employees at many successful organisations and start-ups are encourage to further enhance their technical and soft abilities. If a candidate develops himself, it is beneficial to both the firm and the applicant. As a result, many organisations will pay for your certification costs, which may include the cost of the OCPJP as well as the cost of purchasing certain courses or books.
9) Renew your ability to learn new things
A programmer should never be pleased with his or her expertise, just as an artist should never be satisfy with their or her work. It is an area of continual learning, however, like with everything else, your learning will slow down with time owing to a lack of objectives, opportunities, and performing the same task at the same time over and over again. Obtaining your Java Certification is an excellent way to refresh your learning abilities. Every day brings something new to the table in terms of the Java programming language.
10) Appreciation within the team
There is also another reason why you should get Java certified: it will elevate your standing within the team. People are more aware of your Java expertise than they were before, and they have a high esteem for your understanding. This is really beneficial since it not only helps you to develop a wonderful buddy, but it also helps you to expand your network. It is also beneficial to get Java certified if you are a member of Java organisations since it elevates your status in your circle.
A reputable and professional Java training program provides students with such an opportunity where they not only get training but also have the opportunity to deliver impact instruction with all of the necessary perspective incorporated. Finding the best Java career opening Mysore is for anybody interested in advancing their career as Java specialist. There are a lot of institutes in Mysore that provide the greatest theoretical and hands-on training programs available elsewhere in the world.