A large number of companies have been caught off guard by working from home, especially in
Europe where this work methodology is not as established as it may be in other countries.
Until now, nothing had achieved that we Spaniards stayed without leaving home for so many
days and an invisible bug called Covid_19 had to arrive for us to adapt to new customs.
Luckily we have our friend the technology that makes everything much easier and simpler,
and the human quality that makes us able to handle everything that comes our florya escort way.
Here are some tips to make these days of working from home less “weird” and so
productive that they really show that this methodology is possible :

1. Choose your workspace.
Decide what space in your house you are going to occupy in the coming days.
Always use the same place for the creation of the habit.
How it has to be?
- Ideally, a different place from the one you normally occupy (living room, kitchen…).
It clearly differentiates the places of leisure from those of working from home . - If possible with natural light, which reduces the risk of visual fatigue.
- With ventilation.
- Quiet and away from distractions.
It is possible that these days you have to share the same space with your flatmates.
If so, try to respect the space and silence of others.
It is also very likely that you will have to deal with children while working from home.
I know that this is complicated to manage and depends on each child, but you can try
to have them do their homework with you and pretend that you are in the office and you are co-workers.
They will like to be by your side and also imitate what you do.
- Make sure the table and chair meet the minimum ergonomic conditions .
We have found this short video that will help you prepare your new desk and avoid injuries during
these days:
- Place your computer and secure the networks you connect to .
A Virtual Private Network (VPN) will be useful so that your activity is encrypted and
the information you process is not vulnerable and anyone can intercept it.
Also make sure that your Wi-Fi password is secure and that it is protected from anyone
within range who can access and connect to the network.
2. Set some hours.

Staying at home to work is not synonymous with sleeping until late… Your routine has changed,
but we have to work and we want to be productive, so set your alarm clock like every day!
Self-discipline and organization are key to telecommuting.
Try to get up at the same time and do the same things you did before going to work :
- Go shower.
- Do your hair and makeup. Seeing ourselves handsome will help us keep our spirits up.
- Put on your clothes. Take off your pajamas when you’re going to be home all day? Yes,
it will help us a lot in this change of habit. You don’t need to take out your tie or heels, you can put on something comfortable.
Start the day as you used to: reading the newspaper to keep up to date with what’s happening, making your to-do list for the day, checking pending emails, with a team coordination meeting,…
Continue with your list of tasks, meetings and follow your usual routine . The day will fly by!
Give yourself an hour to finish the job . Being at home we can extend the day without realizing it and this does not benefit our productivity or our conciliation.
3. Schedule your breaks.

For a few minutes to go to the toilet, eat, smoke, take a walk around the house, look out the window,
Block off moments of rest in your agenda, as if they were meetings.
Plan time to exercise too. Being in quarantine, it is most likely that the maximum distance you walk
is to the toilet or the fridge. Don’t forget to move. Surely you have already received lots of videos to exercise from home. It’s time to see them, put on your tracksuit and go for it!

oh! And, of course, don’t forget to go out on the balcony to applaud at 8pm. It has become
the funniest moment of the day.
4. Mark your red lines.
Being at home we are aware, even more so if possible, of all the household chores we have
to do (put on the washing machine, vacuum, clean the dust, hang clothes,…).
Try not to intersperse work with homework. In the end you will fill the day with interruptions
and you will not finish one thing or the other and you will have the feeling that your day has been endless.
Structure your time and separate very well the time that you are going to dedicate to work and the time
that you are going to dedicate to the house.
Avoid distractions like TV or mobile. Working from home does not mean that you can watch all
the Netflix series and episodes or see all the Instagram Stories or join all the challenges that your friends nominate you for.
5. Communicate
Having a feeling of isolation these days is very easy. Fortunately, new technologies are key to
the evolution of our life habits and our work habits. Communicate with your colleagues , hold
meetings via videoconference and use tools to be able to coordinate and work as a team, even from
a distance.
In this post you have a list of tools that will help you during these days of teleworking .
Also look for moments to make video calls with your family and friends. It will make you feel closer and we will all be happier.
6. Make it snappy!
Well, after this period of adaptation, it is time to be more agile, establish processes and work in an orderly manner. And it is that teleworking is not at odds with Agile Management !
7. Ask family and friends for help
On times when balancing parenting and professional duties is difficult, family and friends can be a strong base for help. They are people of the utmost trust and who will surely like being with the little ones. This will allow you to be focused on work when more concentration is needed.
There is also the option of hiring a babysitter if no relative or friend can take care of the children.